<div><br>The concept behind RGB is based on the theory of “Additive Color.”</div><div><br>This is a process by which three different colors, Red, Green, and Blue, are mixed together in order to form thousands of colors and bring life to images, digital media, tv screens, and more. Standing alone, these colors are simply one dimensional; but when combined together, they become magical and give life to everything we see.<br><br></div><div>This concept resonated with us and the RGB Mixtape project was born. Simply put, bringing together our Ethika Familie of Hip Hop Artists combined with exclusive Signature Ethika Product to create a body of work that is much better as a whole than any individual parts.</div><div><br>Each artist was not only able to express themselves through their music on the mixtape, but also through the design of their Signature Ethika pairs.<br><br></div><div>Enjoy the music and buy some Ethikas!<br><br></div>